I believe relationships are very complex and simple at the same time. First we must define the term relationship. A relationship is any interaction with anything animate or inanimate object, including oneself. Our self image and awareness is vital to having a successful relationship.
We begin every interaction by knowing our own position consciously or not. When we act unconsciously we leave our selves open to circumstance and find our selves later -if we are lucky- that we reacted instead of acted. We tend to be victims in the game of life, which are all relationships put together. Our position in relationships are dependent upon our level of self awareness. For example; who am I, where am I, what do I want, where am I going? Is this potential outcome good for me or mankind? Am I cheating my self if I give in? Am I selfish if I give in? Who is affected by my decision?
Achieving healthy relationships means observing the universal laws of relationships. Some of those laws are; Respect, Honesty, Gratitude, Intention, Acceptance and Decision.
Respect involves observing ones Ego (space) or the parameters of the other party. One individual can not change another individual, he/she can only change their reaction to the situation. A healthy reaction is logical and brings benefit to both parties. Sometimes the only option is to walk away to benefit both parties. This is also a reaction however once thought through it becomes an action.
Honesty is one of the hardest things to have. It is ourselves we are dishonest with the most. Every time we justify our actions or position we are being dishonest. This carries over into our relationships. One must get used to always telling the truth. Tell yourself what is really going on. For example; I am late today because I did not want to get up and I wanted to be lazy. Verses; I was stuck in traffic, or yelling at others because you really do not want to be there.
Gratitude is probably the simplest way to show someone you care, appreciate and love them. Learn to say thank you, reciprocate. Those without gratitude offend people; they are usually selfish and hurtful to themselves and others. These people are takers and usually lonely.
Intention is one of the most important things for a person to function properly in life as a whole. When one has intention they can create any scenario they want. If one intends on having a good relationship, it will most definitely happen. The other parties in the relationship can not ignore a person with the proper intentions. The road was paved with good intentions because without intent nothing can be accomplished. Did you ever here said; I did not do that on purpose. Well guess what, if it would have been on purpose it would not have happened that way. In other words intent leads to control.
Acceptance is a fundamental necessity for all people. An individual must be tolerant in order to forgive and look past the things which are petty or not worth mentioning to their partner. It makes people feel loved and wanted unconditionally not judged and ridiculed. The opposite of acceptance is rejection; this is the worst thing someone can go through in life. If one rejects themselves they will in turn reject every one around them.
Finally we come to decision, after all of the above have been planned out and understood it comes time to make decisions. One must follow through on all the understanding gained and begin to invoke a better life. Once a decision is made creation begins, this is true with all matters of reality. Please remember your relationship began because at some point when it started you wanted it.
Mendy Tornek