This article will get you unstuck and help you start creating your life. The main reason a person is stuck in life, is because of self limiting beliefs. Self limiting beliefs are caused by childhood influences or traumas experienced even in adulthood. Many are not even aware of their own self limiting beliefs. Most who have this problem, simply believe the knowledge they have is what is true. If your knowledge however is corrupt or simply lacking, then so is all of your decision making. Your decision making process is based on what you know. When what you know happens to be negative, the only outcome possible is destructive. It is important to know that one cannot fix something broken. If you try to, you will only get more of the same broken. The only way to have a better life, is to create anew. The new you create will ultimately nullify the broken old. Negative energy when confronted, will only create more of the same. Dark energy does not really exist, it is only absent of light. Difficulty in life is only a distraction from ones sanctity. In order to overcome you must introduce good things and a positive attitude into your life. To battle with your negative self is to create friction. Friction always has a negative outcome. Friction is the opposite of flow. The key to overcoming anything undesirable in life is to simply walk away. Once you walk away the veils will be removed. Introduce into your life positive behaviors such as; Compassion, Patience, Understanding, Tolerance and so on. We are all essentially good people with a lot of misinformation and old scars. Anyone who has a difficult time being a positive thinker and doer, is just too hurt and angry to do so. It is time to realize you are only betraying your own wellbeing.
So lets start creating a better life:
Desire is the beginning of implementing anything in life. Desires are based on Values, upbringing and necessity. If any of the above is negative so will the end result be. Knowing the source of your desire is vital to creating a positive healthy life. Negative desires creates a negative life and positive desire creates a positive life.
After the Healthy positive desire is known, conception is the next step. The seed to creating begins in concept. You must develop the concept of your desire as a starting point. without a basic concept desire remains in the fantasy stage. All manifestation in life must have a concept behind it in order to exist.
Once the concept is known, you must have a picture in your mind, an image of the idea. What does your desire look like in reality? Where is it located? How big is it? Who are the players involved? Where are you going with it? What will happen once your goals are met? Once all this is imagined your intention brings it into reality out of fantasy.
What do you intend to do with this creation? Your intention (motivation) determines the validity of it. Your Intention keeps you motivated, it propels you into the next phase. Without intention your creation will be short lived.
Everything requires decisions, all the above once known needs you to decide what you will do next. Decision also brings all the above into reality from fantasy. With all the above clearly known your decisions will be wise, educated and meaningful. Did you ever hear the expression "educated guess"? Well that is just a cowards way of doing things.
If all of the above is done properly, you should now have a creation. Simply maintain the above and your creation will flourish. Remember you are always creating, When you are negative minded you are creating negative things. When you are positive minded you are creating positive things.
Implementation of your creation is why you created it in the first place. Without implementation your creation will not live very long. Remember all things created are to be used for good, for the benefit of Mankind. Even if you create something positive it can still be used in a negative way. This is what free choice is about.
The above is the corner stone for a purposeful life. With these keys comes a tremendous responsibility. We all have an obligation to do good, so please be responsible with this information and do not take it for granted.
By Mendel Tornek