Anger Understood

Anger is always a result of hidden, suppressed or unknown feelings and emotions. Anger is not in of itself a negative behavior but a product. It is believed that anger is a result of not getting one’s desire in that moment. The truth is the display of anger is the individual feeling invisible in that moment. Instead of expressing their feelings or emotions they display anger. Anger can become a habitual behavior though, without any awareness as to why.  Some of us are brought up in an angry environment and angry is the only way to be.

Beneath anger one will always find unexpressed emotion or feelings. These feelings and emotions can be suppressed because they are not allowed to be expressed or because the individual is not aware of them.

One who feels unsafe in their environment will suppress their feelings and emotions. One who grows up in an environment that is unsafe or taught the emotions and feelings are to be kept to oneself and not allowed to be expressed, will suppress their emotions. Anger untreated turns to rage, an exaggerated expression of anger. The more a person feels muted or invisible the more anger will be displayed.

A sibling of anger is depression, the source of depression is the same with the absence of hope. Hopelessness is the source of all depression. Hopelessness is defeated anger. The angry person essentially finally gives up, causing one to become hopeless then depressed.

The solution is to get help learning how to express yourself, once you begin to really express your feelings and emotions all your anger and depression will subsist. Expressing yourself will allow you feel at ease and bring you closer to whomever is usually receiving your anger. That recipient will also start to feel safe with you when they do not see anger coming from you.



Mendy Tornek