
Why is gratitude so important? How does one achieve a grateful perspective? What Causes one to be ungrateful? 

Gratitude separates the Soul from the Ego. It is the difference between satisfied expectations and simple thankfulness for that which is ones life. Satisfied expectations are fleeting, whereas thankfulness is eternal and infinite. 

Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation for the kindness of others, such as gifts, help, or favors. It can also be a feeling of thankfulness for everything in life. Even the negative is realized as a benefit. Gratitude can only exist where there are no expectations, the individual is pleasantly surprised when good things happen and learns to react in a positive way when the opposite happens.

When one believes they are deserving or entitled just because, that is coming from an Ego place. When undesirable things happen, it is usually someone else who is responsible for causing it.  Even if there is a feeling of satisfaction, it will be very temporary. 

In order find true purpose in this world, gratitude is required. An individual can only be at peace when grateful for their life. This opens the doors to every possible opportunity. 

One must realize life is a gift. Life is short and limited. Realizing one’s purpose only comes after fully accepting one’s reality. The only way to accept one’s own reality, is through gratitude. There is no external source outside of oneself that will cause one to be grateful. Being grateful comes from within the individual. It is a perspective the individual chooses to live by. 

What causes an individual to be expectant, is a low self-worth. Having a low self-image causes one to want to fill a avoid. Filling that void can be through anything, usually self-destructive. Those with low self-worth are demanding and entitled thinking everything is owed them. They are forever disappointed and let down by others. Then they alternate with thinking they don't deserve anything and that is why their life is so disappointing. 

Being grateful is a choice, once made, an individual will begin having completely different experiences. One’s conscience completely shifts from expectation and disappointment to satisfied and grateful for everything in life. 



Mendel Tornek