
Is a child Happy? Is an Infant Happy? Can a Baby Animal be Happy? They look Happy. I do not think an Animal could be Happy or Sad though. So what is a newborn, infant or child of any living thing, if they are not happy? If they are Happy then why do they cry for food or any other necessity? 
  Well just like an Animal, it is not Happiness that is being observed, it is being satiated that we are witnessing. As soon as that feeling of being satisfied is done, the “Happiness” is gone. As an Animal can only be Satiated or Hungry, not Happy or Sad, so it is with Human Beings as well. 
   So when do we Humans Develop into more complex beings? We Humans are capable of Happy or Sad. What we do not realize, is that we confuse Satiated or Not with Happy or Sad. They are two different things entirely. Happy or Sad is a Conscience choice we make.
Satiated or Not is Instinctual, we do not have the ability to choose. Because we confuse these two states of being, we live in constant Fear and Sadness. We subconsciously fear not be Satiated and therefore walk around Sad. 

   We need to realize this fear is all consuming, it controls all of our reactions and responses to life. We live in a constant state of feeling threatened to lose something or not getting something. It is an instinctual reality which cannot be changed. We have no control over this instinct just an Animal would not.
  What we can do however, is choose to have a positive attitude. Animals cannot do this. A positive attitude comes from a belief in a higher power which takes care of everything. This belief, being strong, can override this fear. At the very least it can provide you with a sense of security and hope. 
The Idea that something will be lost or not gained, is simply an instinctual reality absent of above said belief.
All the while, as we struggle through this reality, we can choose to be Happy or Sad. 
We blame all sorts of things for our misery and lack in our lives, one can now understand that it is no one’s fault.
It becomes one’s own fault when they insist there is someone to blame. An individual will never be able to see past their own suffering as long as someone else is being blamed for it.
We are Animals before we choose to be People.

By Mendel Tornek