Conceptual Beginings

It has been recently understood that in order to shift from survival mode to actual living mode an individual must fully engage their own talents. When an individual leads an ordinary lifestyle, such as being a good husband, a good wife, a good daughter, a good son and so on. This person is leading an ordinary life as a good person. This type of behavior is expected by the Universe. It is the basic goodness of a human being, that is why it is ordinary. If an individual however would like to have more and enjoy what the Universe has to offer, then that individual has to go above the norm and beyond their comfort zone in contribution to Society.
An individual contributes to Society via their own natural gifts and talents they are born with. Going above and beyond utilizing ones gift and talents is unique to that individual. No one else can fulfill that purpose. The ordinary good person can contribute to Society but it will be in an ordinary way which can be accomplished by anyone and is already expected. As apposed to Contributing to Society with ones gifts and talents, which is optional and above expectation.
It's generally understood that in order to stand out one must go beyond the call of duty, exceeding ones own expectations. When an individual does this they become recognized by the Universe and the Universe responds to that individual in kind.


Why am I being treated this way by everyone around me? I believe everyone has this question at some point in their life. I would like to attempt this explanation.
Everyone has heard of the saying "Treat others as you yourself would like to be treated by others". I would like to interpret this saying a little differently. Try saying "How I treat myself is how others will treat me".
An individual's self image is how they will see others and how others will treat them. If for example, there is a lot of anger coming off of a person, then it is safe to assume that this individual is angry at themselves and all those around that person will as well be hostile to that individual. We draw the energy vibration from those around us according to what we already are.
If we are liking ourselves and kind to ourselves, so in kind will others treat us. If you are not liking yourself with resentments, anger, frustration, greed, self pity and so on, then that is exactly how you will treat those around you. So in order to "Treat others as you would want others to treat you" you first have to have a healthy opinion of yourself.


What is the deal with the law of attraction? I would like to expound on this concept.
The Law of Attraction is a valid concept, it is however very misunderstood. it is understood by many that an individual can wish their life into existence. This of course is not possible. An individual can not lie to themselves and get away with it. If a person can wish their way through life the world would be an amazingly chaotic environment with no rules.
I believe we attract what we are within ourselves, not what we think we want outside of ourselves. The vibration we give off is what comes back to us. What is in our heart vibrates out to the universe. We can only receive back the same frequency we transmit. This does not occur from an intellectual place but from an emotional place. In other words one must believe in their own heart that which they desire to manifest. If there is any form of self doubt then one can not manifest good things. We always manifest things, good or bad. What ever is in the heart is manifest, negative emotions create a negative life, positive emotions create a positive life.
For example, one needs in ones heart kindness, love, compassion, understanding, empathy, patience and so on.


It has come to my understanding that by virtue of the universe being infinite, an open mind must prevail in all activities. The Universe is in a constant state of change nothing remains the same, it is always flowing. Therefore the way one thinks, talks, acts and so on must be without Judgment and fear. Leaving room for things to change is the best option. Stubborn insistence is counter productive to achieving ones desires.
If one believes in the finite, with closed thinking one can limit their own potential. By leaving room for change, even if all the odds are stacked in the favor of limited thinking, the outcome will usually be favorable.
The idea is that we have to go through motions of life the best we can. We however are not responsible for the outcome and we do not control it. By being open with our ideas, judgments, expectations and so on, we allow for the universe to play a role in the final outcome of what we are involved with.


We live in a very stressful society, we tend to compound our stress with excess worry. Worry is a form of fear, fear that the desired outcome will be undesirable. This fear is usually from, past experiences, self doubt, lack of faith in ones self and a lack of faith in the Divine will.
It may not appear to be going your way but it is for your benefit. We do not understand what is going on behind the scene. There are bigger forces at work orchestrating our reality. When our desires are not in sink with the Divine Will of the Universe, that is when our path becomes difficult.
It is up to the individual to recognize the truth within the specific situation and to ask if the desire is necessary or can it be forgone. If it is absolutely necessary to have this specific outcome, than a change in perspective or an alteration of the desire will most likely be required. Sometimes what we want is blocked because it needs to be approached simply from a different angle. the mistake would be to keep trying the same approach over and over until you become overwhelmed with failure.


Giving and sharing with others is a goal everyone should have. How many times have you asked yourself "I am being so nice to these people, why are they being so mean back to me" or have you ever heard the expression "Nice people finish last"?
Well here is what I believe is the reason why this happens. When one gives to another of any form, that individual must first have enough of their own of it to share with another. One can not give away what one does not have.
The reason nice people are taken advantage of is because they spread them selves out to thin. If the only thing shared you have enough of after being shared, then you will give freely with no expectation in return. You will retain enough of it for yourself so you will not be spread to thin so you will be lacking.


Regardless of what is happening around you, you are responsible for your own reaction. It is not okay to respond to those around you according to how they are treating you. A sign of ones maturity, is how one reacts to life. When one is secure with who they are (good or bad), they treat everyone the same way.
When one is insecure they treat others the way they think they need to behave or have a reactive personality. This behavior actually causes one to surrender his/her own identity to the situation, causing oneself to be scattered. In other words your uncontrolled reaction causes you to give yourself away. When you give yourself away you have nothing left for yourself. In turn you develop disdain for those around you and you are always tired, frustrated and fed up.
Be strong, know yourself, trust yourself and don’t be afraid to be you. It does not matter if your right or wrong. The only thing that matters is if you are truthful to yourself and have your own identity.


Expectations are a powerful part of our Mind. Expectations can be helpful or harmful. Sometimes expectations are based on dysfunctional ideas. These type of expectations are harmful to oneself. The dysfunctional ideas come from all sorts of places. As a mature educated adult, one can develop healthy expectations. It is key to discover within oneself what are known as "false expectations".
False expectations create many things, Disappointment, Despair, Anger, Fear, Rage, Depression and Loss of Hope. Healthy expectations allows one to back off when something does not seem to be working out. It allows one to find a different path towards what they want. It allows for peace of Mind. Most of all healthy expectations allows those closest to you to also be at peace around you. Please do not forget that we are NOT allowed to put expectations on those around us. People are who they are and we have NO right to expect a person to be otherwise because it is suitable. If someone comes around to meet your expectations you set, in their own actions, then just embrace it and enjoy it. Please do not expect it though.


Acceptance is something that needs to be embraced by all. It relieves the pain and suffering one is going through. Acceptance allows one to grow and not be bogged down by the past and stuck on futuristic thinking. The reason acceptance is not embraced, is usually because of fear that acceptance infers defeat. However fighting ones pain and suffering is only going to create more of the same. Friction is created and friction creates negative energy. One must remember that the energy vibration one puts
forth is the same energy that returns. I is also important to realize that the way one feels in the present tense is the way they will feel in the future. When one accepts their plight it actually allows the situation to calm, therefore allowing clearer thinking and more positive energy to rise. Once positive energy arises, the life situation rises to a higher vibration and a more positive loving experience comes into your reality.


Mind versus Heart
What separates Animals from Humans is one thing called intellect. As humans our first response by instinct is to react from a place of survival. As humans however we have the option of introducing a higher intellect to the situation. When the only reaction is instinctual, the most likely outcome will be self destructive to some degree. It may appear to be the only possible solution at the time and the correct reaction. Later when intellect prevails one realizes the error of their reaction. An instinctual reaction is not the action of the Heart. The Heart is the love of the Creator actualized in the Human condition.
The intellect was granted to the Human condition to allow the Human to become intimately aware of our Creator. To attain Knowledge is to attain a relationship with the will of the Creator. The Heart is the connection to the Creator. When one follows his/her Heart one is following the path the Creator has laid out for them.
The Heart does not lead an individual astray down a negative path. Ones Ego leads ones Heart to negative decision making. Ones negative education destroys ones Ego. A healthy Ego is one that is surrendered to the Heart. The Ego keeps the Creator Hidden from the Heart so what results from this is self destruction. Knowledge transforms the Ego to the will of the Heart.


Reality or Illusion
Perception is actually what we call reality. Two people can be part of the same event and report two different experiences. Both experiences are real, that is what reality is. Illusion is believing that ones experience is the only one that is true. The only one truth that exits, is the Creators Universal truth. When it comes to the Human condition the truth is relative to the situation. The illusion is when we as Humans believe our own intellect governs our reality. Our reality however is Governed by the Creator.
The reason we do not always see that as being the case is because of our own Ego's. The Ego Separates us from the Creator and therefore we are actually alone. When the Ego is dominant, it controls the Mind and Heart. The illusion is that one believes in his/her own power, caused by a corrupt intellect by the Ego.
True Reality is when the Intellect is used in the pursuit of the will of the Creator, through the study of Knowledge. The Ego is then surrendered to the Heart and Mind, and one allows the Creator to guide ones path. Without the Ego, the Creator is not only in ones life, but also governs it and becomes known.
When the intellect is used in the pursuit of ones own welfare, the outcome at some point will be undesirable because we can not know what is in our own best interest. The intellect is granted by the Creator to be used in the pursuit of the Will of the Creator through study of Knowledge, not for the pursuit of ones own welfare. The pursuit of ones own welfare is to be relinquished to the Will of the Creator. The Creator knows what is best for us, we do not. We only have an illusion that we know what is best for ourselves, this is the Ego. This is what is known as the true definition of faith, knowing that our responsibility is simply to be Present, nothing else. If one is free of Ego and follows the desire of the Heart, than that individual is following their own customized path laid out and governed by the Creator.


What is real is what is being lived. Any else is simply what others define as what real should be. This creates self doubt and insecurity.


We are Energy, therefore our life experiences occur in Energy Waves (Highs and Lows). When we are at the bottom of our Humanity we experience a short wave with many high and low peaks. This causes a life of turmoil, drama and discontent. When we operate at a higher vibration of our Humanity, we experience longer calmer Energy Waves. Our Human experience then becomes more stable, more secure and comfortable with less dramatic effect. The Energy Wave is longer and calmer. So we may still have life struggles but they become easier to manage.