Trust is the foundation for all that is good in the Human experience. Trust is required for a positive relationship with self and others. In Religion, Trust is required between self and G-D. What is trust? How does one know if they trust? How is trust developed?
I will attempt to answer the above questions as best as I can. If my explanation is unsatisfactory, just know that trust is still of the utmost importance in the Human experience.
Trust is infinite, there is no end to how much one can trust. Trust is a personal thing and must be developed by each individual according to their own level. There is no instruction book, Trust is realized in its own time by each of us independently of each other. We all have different levels, definitions of what trust is.
The ultimate Trust is when an individual has no doubts about anything at all in life. A complete and total confidence in life with no insecurities at all.
This does seem impossible and for most of us, we will never achieve such a level. The objective is however to get an understanding of what direction one should be heading towards. We develop trust in baby steps. Take small incidences with anything and try to trust what is demanded and the potential outcome. Most of the time, the experience in any given situation, does not play out the way it was imagined, that is why trust is so difficult. The imagined is the source of the mistrust.
An individual must learn to just experience life as it happens. Our job as Humans, is to measure our responses to life. When there is little trust, our response is that of much stress. When trust is high, the response is relaxed. It is an illusion that we make life happen, what we are actually doing is reacting to life. A positive healthy reaction, brings better things. A negative reaction, brings negative things.
Mendel Tornek